Rule 3015-3 Chapter 12 or Chapter 13 -Confirmation Hearing.

(a) Chapter 12 and 13 Pre-Confirmation Certifications.  At least twenty-four hours before the confirmation hearing, the debtor must file the appropriate Pre-Confirmation Certification (L.B.F. 3015-3(a) for Chapter 13 cases and L.B.F. 3015-3(c) for Chapter 12 cases) and, if applicable, submit to the Chapter 13 Trustee a Certification Regarding Domestic Support Obligation(s) in conformity with L.B.F. 3015-3(b).

(b) Appearances at Hearing.  Neither the debtor nor debtor's counsel need appear at the Chapter 13 confirmation hearing if:

  1. There are no timely-filed, pending objections to the plan; and
  2. The pre-confirmation certifications have been filed submitted as required by L.B.R. 3015-3(a).

If neither the debtor nor debtor's counsel appear at the hearing under this subsection and a party in interest appears and is permitted to lodge an untimely objection, the Court will reschedule the hearing on confirmation.

(c) Payment of Filing Fee.  The entire case filing fee must be paid prior to the confirmation of any plan. The Court may waive this requirement upon motion.

Part III - Claims and Distribution to Creditors and Equity Interest Holders; Plans