Mandatory Creditor List/Matrix

All Debtors Must File a List of Creditors (the “Matrix”) With the Petition (Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007; Local Rule 1007-2)

The debtor must file with the petition an accurate mailing list (sometimes called a “matrix”) of the names and addresses of all creditors. If the debtor does not provide a mailing list, the case may be dismissed without a bankruptcy discharge.

Because this list is used to mail notices to creditors it is very important to enter creditor names and addresses correctly. It also is important to provide a complete and accurate list of creditors because there is a fee for every change/amendment to the mailing list.

How to File a List of Creditors

CM/ECF Users must file the list of creditors using ECF and may not use the below form to submit the list of creditors.

Non-CM/ECF Users may use this form to enter the names and addresses of all creditors or submit a list that conforms with Local Rule 1007-2 and the requirements and examples set forth below.

How to Prepare a List of Creditors:

Note: If you have more than one address for a creditor, list all addresses.

  1. List all creditors in a single column (see below for an example).
  2. The name and address of each creditor must not exceed five (5) lines. Each line must not exceed 40 characters.
  3. Use the second line for c/o (care of) or “Attention [insert name or department]”.
  4. Separate each creditor name and address by one blank line.
  5. If you have a physical address and post office box information, list both the P.O. Box information and the physical address.

Example of a proper list of creditors:

Address line 2
Address line 3 - if needed
Address line 4 - if needed
City, St Zip

ABC Corp.
123 Main Street
Anytown, PA 17000

Dr. O. W. Holmes, Jr.
Medical Affiliates and Diagnostics
321 First Avenue, Suite 50
Nicetown, PA 18000