Trustee - 341(a) Meeting of Creditor Calendars (Yearly Calendars and Rescheduling Meeting Calendars)
Rev. 05/06/19
Access the Court Calendar to find cases scheduled for specific 341(a) meeting dates, times and locations.
I. Yearly 341(a) Meeting Calendars
Trustees are to provide their yearly 341(a) Meeting Calendars to the US Trustee's Office by November 1st. The US Trustee's Office will add the dates into the Court's CM/ECF system.
II. Changes to Yearly 341(a) Meeting Calendars
All changes to the Yearly 341(a) Meeting Calendars are to be communicated to the US Trustee's Office. The US Trustee's Office is responsible for maintaining the dates in the Court's CM/ECF system for Ch. 7 and 12 cases. The Standing Chapter 13 Trustee's Office maintains the dates in the Court's CM/ECF system for Ch. 13 cases.
III. Rescheduling 341(a) Meetings when Changes to Yearly 341(a) Meeting Calendars are made AFTER the Court has Issued a Meeting of Creditors Notice
A. Reason for Rescheduling -- Inclement Weather, Acts of God, Sudden Illness or Debtor's Failure to File Required Documents
1. Rescheduling the Meeting: The Trustee must reschedule the meeting by docketing the entry Multi-Case Docketing (Ch. x Trustees ONLY) > Meeting of Creditors Rescheduled (inclement weather, Acts of God, sudden illness) in each of the cases. This entry must be made multiple times, once for each group of cases set for a specific time slot (ex., 8:30 AM, 9:00 AM, etc.).
2. Renoticing the Meeting: The Clerk will provide notice of the rescheduled meeting (Local Rule 2002-1(d)(3)).
B. Reason for Rescheduling -- Debtor's Failure to File Required Documents
1. Rescheduling the Meeting: The Ch. 7/13 Trustee must reschedule the meeting by docketing the entry Meeting of Creditors Rescheduled (failure to file required documents) in each of the cases.
2. Renoticing the Meeting: The Clerk will provide notice of the rescheduled meeting (Local Rule 2002-1(d)(3)).
C. Reason for Rescheduling -- ALL Other Reasons (ex., request of trustee, debtor's attorney, etc.)
1. Rescheduling the Meeting: The Trustee must reschedule the meeting by docketing the entry Trustee -- Ch. x Cases > Meeting of Creditors Rescheduled BEFORE 341 meeting called to order in each of the cases. You will be required to select who is requesting the meeting be rescheduled, Debtor, Judge or Trustee. The final docket entry text will indicate who is to renotice the meeting.
2. Renoticing the Meeting: The party requesting the rescheduled meeting is to provide notice of the rescheduled meeting (Local Rule 2002-1(d)(3)). If the party is a pro se debtor, the Clerk will provide notice of the rescheduled meeting. A certificate of service in accordance with Local Rule 9013-3 is to be filed in each of the cases. The event Certificate of Service (or Certificate of Mailing) is available under the Trustee - Ch. x Cases menu and also under the Miscellaneous menu for attorneys.