Rule 4001-2 Cash Collateral.

(a)     Filing a Motion to Authorize or Prohibit Use of Cash Collateral.  A motion seeking to authorize or prohibit the use of cash collateral must be filed using the self-scheduling procedures set forth in L.B.R. 9002-1.  Unless service is made electronically through the ECF system, the movant must serve the motion and hearing required notice upon the persons specified under F.R.B.P. 4001 and L.B.R. 4001-6.

(b)     Required Disclosure of Certain Provisions of Financing Motion.  Each motion to use cash collateral must comply with L.B.R. 4001-3(c), (d) and (e), and interim and final relief must be granted, denied or conditioned as provided under L.B.R. 4001-3(f) and (g).

Part IV - The Debtor: Duties and Benefits