Electronic Filing - Registration
If you have not e-filed and do not have a PACER account, click this link and complete the registration. If you need assistance choosing a registration option, use the Registration Wizard.
If you have a Pacer Account but have not e-filed, you must log in with your upgraded PACER account and submit a new e-file request for the court:
- Log in to Manage My Account.
- Click the Maintenance tab.
- Click either Attorney Admissions/E-File Registration or Non-Attorney Admissions E-File Registration. Choose Court Type “U.S. Bankruptcy Courts”; Choose Court “Pennsylvania Middle Bankruptcy Court” – Then choose E-File Registration Only.
You will then need to wait for the court to process the request before e-filing privileges are activated.
To learn more about submitting a new e-file request, review the electronic learning module for the Manage My Account Maintenance tab.