Claims - Proof of Claim

Rev. 12/01/20



A proof of claim is a written statement setting forth a creditor’s claim.  A proof of claim shall conform substantially to the appropriate Official Form 410.  The proof of claim shall be executed by the creditor or the creditors authorized agent.

 Codes, Rules and Forms:

Bankruptcy Code:


Bankruptcy Rule:

3001; 3002; 3003; 3004; 3005 

Local Rule:

3001-1; 3003-1; 3004-1; 3005-1

Official Form:


CM/ECF Event(s):

Claim Actions, Proof of Claim Attachment Rule 3001(c)(1) and (d)
Claims Actions, Notice of Claim Satisfaction
File Claims
Trustee/US Trustee…, Notice of Claim Satisfaction


NOTE:  When entering a creditors name and address, there are certain characters, symbols, etc., they may cause issues when docketing in the CM/ECF database -- see the Formatting Standards on how to process.

NOTE:  When entering an Administrative Claim, the "Creditor type" will need to be changed to Administrative for the correct information to appear.

NOTE:  An Entry of Appearance must be entered in the case if you wish to receive E-mail Notification of any objection to your claims. 

NOTE:  If CM/ECF will not allow you to add creditors to the database, the browser version you are using may not be compatible – see the CM/ECF FAQ list on how to process the creditors.